Autumn Grace #31: Thirty-One Days and One Very Busy Day
Dear friends,
So here we are at the end of October, and the end of my 31 Days of Autumn Grace series. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have! It's been fun thinking of something to post each day. I may try a series at a much slower pace - say once a week? - called Grateful Grace in preparation for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure if I'll do it on this blog, or on one of my others. I'll keep you posted. (Oh, here we go! Grateful Grace 2014 on Virginia's Life.)
It's a good thing my fever broke last night and I was almost back up to full speed (whatever that is) by this morning.
It's been a busy day between chauffeuring kids to bus stops or school, catching up on grocery shopping after several days sick, home schooling my youngest daughter, running to the store for more face paint, helping my kids with last minute costume preparations, carving a pumpkin, making spaghetti for dinner, taking two girls to a church's Trunk and Treat party, decorating our front doorway for the trick-or-treaters, handing out candy, editing my photos for a post on my other blog, etc. Oh, and hemming a pair of ROTC uniform pants for my oldest son for an early morning event, as well as cleaning up all the pumpkin mess and extra dishes in the dining room and kitchen. And so forth. (You can see the photos here.) Yes, that's pretty much what I expected to be doing today. No problem there. I'm not complaining. Some days are like that, and moms all over the place just step up to the plate. This is how we do life. It did feel good to be back in the swing of things after being in bed big chunks of this week.
It's now after midnight, and technically November 1, but I'm backdating this post to keep it in October. Shhh! Don't tell!
One other thing I hope you'll look at? October wasn't just the month for an Autumn Grace series. It was also Domestic Violence Awareness month. People I love have been deeply affected by this issue, so it matters to me very much. I am simply asking you to check out the post, click on some of the links, and maybe share some of the graphics on social media. You can find it here: Let's End Domestic Violence - Not Just the Awareness Month.
I'd love to hear some feedback on this Autumn Grace series, as well as the domestic violence posts.
What was your favorite post and why?
Have you done anything interesting or fun or profound in response to what I've written here?
Thank you, friends!
Virginia Knowles
P.S. The photo at the top of this post is this evening's sunset here in central Florida. My daughter Naomi took it on the way back from Trunk and Treat. Always take time to notice the beauty.
Glad you are feeling better Virginia, and as a Floridian myself, I can appreciate your series! It looks as though you are a very busy and fulfilled mom, and that is a huge autumn grace! Dropping by from momsmorningcoffee...blessings~
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finishing your 31 days! I've thought about doing the challenge but I'm not there yet. Followed you over from WFMW.